Hi everyone, I hope your all well.
Today I have made this tag. I used a template called Teaser by Alice, which you can find over at Brights Kreationz here http://brightskreationz.blogspot.com/2010/07/teaser.html.
The kit I used is by Lacarolita called Black & White, which you can find here http://lacarolitasdesignz.blogspot.com/.
The tube I used is called The Black Dress by Ismael Rac. It is a freebie which you can find here http://www.xeracx.net/.
The mask I used is called Montiblinds, you can find it here http://www.montispixelplayground.com/masks. Thank you.
I'd like to say a huge Thank You to all the designer's for allowing us to use their beautiful creations...and Thank you to all that have stopped by....Thank You xx